Customer Testimonials

When you launch a VDR with, it's the start of a collaborative relationship that lasts throughout your project. We'll work hard every day to make sure you're as satisfied as the customers who've shared their thoughts here.

" provides us all the functionality and security of our previous providers in a manner that is much more friendly to our expense budget. Their service is incredibly reliable and the technology supports even our largest deals."

Trent Foltz, Managing Director - Investment Banking
JP Morgan

" reduced the closing time of our recent M&A transaction by at least 50%. The Q&A module was robust and easily managed hundreds of questions from the high volume of users involved. From experience with multiple providers, I can attest that you won't find a better valued virtual data room."

Ray Bulger, Co-Founder & CEO

"We were working on a transaction with a very large information request list and a wide variety of subject categories. The reviewing party had different people reviewing each topic, and let us group documents by subject and allow access to various outside teams. I really like the bulk upload process—it’s more efficient than providers we've used in the past. The email feature notifying everyone that new files had been posted was also really useful."

Henry Coulter, Vice President
VAALCO Energy Inc.

"We needed a data room where financial institutions could review information related to funding for a large gold project. We reviewed half a dozen providers, and had all of the functionality we needed at a fraction of the cost of other services recommended by our investment banking partners. In the end, it was the customer service that most exceeded our expectations and added tremendously to our overall experience. We’ll use for all of our financings in the future and have already recommended it to others."

Greg Barnes, Executive Vice President
Sandspring Resources Ltd.

"We called with an urgent need for an online data room for our company’s recent acquisition. Within the hour, we were uploading documents to a fully branded data room. Our transaction was complicated, and the data room made document exchange seamless for dozens of participants. The document security and tracking controls were state of the art, and the dedicated account manager we could call around the clock was crucial."

Richard Centenni, Chief Accounting Officer
Hybrid Design Associates

"Our recent financing project required secure document sharing between various groups—and the platform was a perfect fit. Our account manager was always available with direct, personalized support, and the feedback from participants was very positive. We've definitely found our new data room provider."

Kami Ragsdale, Chief Financial Officer

"We were raising capital in a very complicated transaction. Because we had such disparate groups reviewing the material, we needed to customize information into packages that addressed the needs of each group. let us do just that—quickly and efficiently. My account manager was in touch with me in minutes to run through the data room setup with a remote online demonstration. Being able to track which users viewed which documents demonstrated clearly who was taking the investment seriously—and who wasn't. is a service I’ll use again without hesitation."

Declan Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer
Storage Spot Canada

"After evaluating many options for the diligence process, rose to the top. Instead of requiring a sales pitch and time-consuming training, DataRooms let us hit the ground running. The intuitive interface is exceptional—with great features like easy file ordering and drag-and-drop functionality. Their customer support is equally outstanding. They found solutions fast and incorporated many of our suggestions for the benefit of other users. The personal caring and responsiveness are among the best I’ve seen in my career. Thank you, DataRooms, for your part in the success of our transaction."

Paul True, Founder
Linx Technologies

"We're a leader in health information management, so we're always on the lookout for technology that's smart, flexible and easy to use. was one of those discoveries— the high-end functionality we need to support company growth with pricing that makes sense. The expensive solutions we've used in the past just don’t measure up to what we get here."

George Abatjoglou, Chief Operating Officer
IOD Incorporated